Friday, July 06, 2007

Rain, sleeping in, and more jewellery

There was more rain last night - really heavy, tropical monsoon type rain at about 3am. We stood in the open doorway and looked out at it for a bit, and if I didn't know there were loads of slugs in the garden I would have gone out and danced in it. It was that sort of rain.

Once again I slept in until lunchtime, too. I am going to have to be careful about getting into that bad habit, because I'll end up wasting half of every day and I don't want to do that. It's fine this week because I am treating myself to a week's holiday, but I'll need to find a more productive routine for the rest of the summer.

I have been very productive with the jewellery, though - lots of new pieces made up in the last couple of days. I think I'm going to be fine for this market stall at the end of the month.

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