Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Keep your house sparkling, in 19 minutes a day

I have a problem. The plan for the month of July was to get the house cleared out, re-painted and re-carpeted, in order to put it on the market in August. So far, none of this has happened. It has actually descended into squalour over the last few weeks, as we have both become very lazy about keeping on top of the housework.

Maybe the internet can save me. I found a site that promises I can keep a sparkling house in a mere 19 minutes a day. Here's what I have to do:
kitchen - 4 1/2 minutes a day
bathroom - 2 minutes a day
bedroom - 6 1/2 minutes a day
living areas - 6 minutes a day

Personally I think the bedroom should be closer to 2 and the kitchen should be way more than 4 1/2, but I might give this plan a go anyway. At the very least the house will be a bit tidier!

It won't help with the general clutter around the place, though. For that I need some sturdy boxes and an off-site storage facility. And possibly a skip.


Anonymous said...

Ah Jenny my dear...........what you need is your old boss coming over to do a thorough pick up and throw out session. You do not need a storage place. If you haven't used it or worn it in a year then it gets donated to charity or sold! Then, your house will be much more manageable!

Jenny said...

Get rid of all my books? Never!! :)

Books and bedlinen are all that I have packed for storage so far, and we'll definitely be using those. I'm trying hard not to be too sentimental about other stuff. I already threw out a ton of old letters and cards from my university days, and I've got several boxfuls of stuff to take to a car-boot sale (it's too bulky or heavy to sell on eBay). Asking "is this worth shipping to the far side of the world?" is a great way to determine what to keep and what to get rid of!

- Jenny