Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Finally, a start on the clearing

Today I finally started clearing the things that aren't going into storage yet, so that we can get close enough to the walls to paint them. The first task was to wrap and pack all the framed photos that were up on the walls - no mean feat, since they were all over the house. The walls look a lot barer now, apart from the visible nails everywhere and the dirty marks where the frames were! That lick of paint is long overdue, it seems. In fairness, most of the paint throughout the house was applied before I bought it nearly seven years ago, so it's not a huge surprise that it needs to be done again now. Magnolia throughout, here we come.

So there are clear walls now, and one clear corner (the cupboard area to the left of the fireplace, if you're interested). But the task still facing us is very daunting to disorganised, over-sentimental, reluctant-to-throw-anything-out me. See what I mean?

But still, I am basking in the success of that one corner. A good morning's work, I think!


Unknown said...

Good work Jen! That teddy bear in your spare room just reminded me of a report I saw on fat cats today. It's really scary how fat some people let their cats get - like Garfield. Cruel.

Jenny said...

That teddy bear was a 21st birthday present from you and Susan! Although I may have to let it go despite the sentimental attachment. Better some kid enjoys it than have it gathering dust in a box somewhere. I am not really a soft toy sort of person!

Unknown said...

Oh I'd forgotten that. Won't be the least bit offended if you bin it!