Saturday, August 04, 2007

A bit more space

A massive Pickford's lorry the size of a double decker bus has just left Inglewood Court. With it go all my books and photo albums, a tumble dryer, and every board game we own. I can actually see the carpet again in the living room and spare bedroom, now that so many boxes have been moved out! There is still a lot of stuff in the spare room that has to go to a car boot sale, so it isn't completely empty, but we're off to a good start.

And in other good news, Skry's police report from the Met in London finally arrived today. Unfortunately it doesn't list a check in his old name, despite explicit instructions from us to check both old and current names and despite the section on the form we filled in labelled "former names", but it'll have to do. It will be extremely frustrating if NZIS won't accept it, but Skry will send it to them anyway and hope they don't care enough to need proof that he never committed a crime in a country he has never even lived in (mainland Britain).

I also got three deliveries of beads in the post today (and an accompanying £17 customs charge - ouch). I'll be busy for the next couple of days!

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