Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Short and curly

Here is today's look, which is probably my favourite style so far, but unfortunately the least well made wig. It's itchy at the back and the hair feels rough. I shouldn't expect better for 99p plus postage, so I'm not really complaining, but I would like to try a similar style in something that is better quality.

My wig clips arrived in the post this morning, so I will try sewing them onto some of the earlier wigs to see if they improve the slippage. Hopefully they will.

In other news, Skry did loads of work in the garden this week so it is pretty much shipshape now apart from a bare patch at the back where the shed was, and he's going to try some grass seed there to see if it takes. It's so warm and wet this summer that it might be okay even though it's a bit later in the year than recommended for sowing grass. And I took six boxes of things to the charity shop yesterday. Some of the things were really good quality and I could have got a fair amount of money at a car boot sale, but we missed the last two car boot sales that we were meant to attend, for various reason, and I don't know when I'll next get the chance. The stuff just had to go. Oh well, it made the little old ladies in the charity shop very excited to see all this stuff coming in!

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