Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Got a bit more work done, hurrah!

We actually got some work done this morning towards getting the house ready - good start to the week :) I boxed up two cartons of clothes and perfume from the bedroom to be put into storage, and threw out quite a lot of stuff too, while Skry painted the ceilings in the hall and landing. We have run out of paint now, but a quick trip to B&Q should sort that out.

Some more wigs arrived in the post as well, from China, and they are a mixed bunch. One of them is so hideous that I am not even going to attempt wearing it. Another has some potential but needs to be restyled, and while I was combing it handfuls of hair came out. Not a good start. Then there is one that is too dark for me and one that seems quite nice but also needs a bit of restyling before it's fit to be seen. Don't hold your breath for photographs...

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