Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Back to brunette

You can all sigh in relief now - I am looking a bit more normal!

This was a long wig that unfortunately made me look like I was going to a Hallowe'en party or something. Yesterday I had the brainwave of chopping it into a bob, and I love it! I had already messed up the fringe trying to make the long version look good, and I accidentally cut it a wee bit too short around the front, but as a rescue job I am very pleased.

The synthetic hair is absolutely gorgeous, so soft and silky, and I love the feel of it against my face. It is made of a fibre called Kanekalon, and it really does feel like my own hair when I am fresh out of the salon and everything is at its best.

I need some wig clips, because I have a big head and everything slides backwards on it (as evidenced in the blonde photo from yesterday). Time to hit eBay again, I think, but that's surely better than tugging at my forelocks every few minutes!


Skry said...

Just as an FYI, youo know I can take a photo of you in the wigs if you don't want to do a self-portrait?

Also the black one is way better than the blonde one. With the long black hair you did look a bit Hallowe'enish/like me but darker! The last thing we need to do is go for his-and-her stuff! :P

I love the brunette one on you though and I think it's my favourite so far. The clip-on pony tail is also an excellent look for you.

Unknown said...

hmmm... still not convinced! Better than the blonde though, DEFINITELY!!