Wednesday, December 03, 2008

The most offensive bouncy slide I've ever seen

At the school fair last Sunday (my craft stall did fine, thanks for asking!), Skry snapped a photo of this offensive article:

That's right, it is a bouncy kids' slide in the shape of a sinking Titanic. I can't believe anybody thought this was appropriate to create, let alone hire out. I can't decide if it is offensive or just extremely tasteless - maybe both.


Anonymous said... :-I

PS, Jenny I keep forgetting to post the pesky dress to you- will it be OK if I send it over with Briney now? xxx

Jenny said...

Yes get him to shove it in his suitcase - that will probably beat the Christmas post anyway. Thanks :)

Jenny's Bro said...

Wow, that's spectacular!

Anonymous said...

I never thought about that being offensive - those slides are all over! Possibly more offensive to do a Whitney Houston impression near it ;)


Jenny said...

I've come to the conclusion that it is actually offensive and not just tasteless. The Titanic was build in Belfast so it's a big thing in Irish history, so maybe we find this a bit more shocking than people here - but I wonder how people here would feel if we made bouncy slides in the shape of the Wahine in years to come!

Anonymous said...

It's very popular, I saw one in Minnesota, USA this past July. And although it's bad taste, kids really enjoyed it. My cousin couldnt stop sliding down, he became obsessed, plus after we went home, he looked at the pictures and I explained to him about the titanic, and he became fasinated.