What a day yesterday was. I can't remember the last time I had so many ups and downs in such a short period!
UP: Sold a lot of my handcrafted goodies to people at work -cute stocking stuffers for them and extra pocket money for me.
UP: got paid for a two-hour freelance technical writing job that I had done the previous night - job well done and super-fast payment
DOWN: discovered that the tyres on my bike were very soft, meaning it would be even more of a battle than usual to cycle home from work into the wind
UP: complete stranger outside the bike shed complimented my bike and then hauled a foot pump out of the boot of his car and pumped up my tyres for me, meaning I practically glided home
DOWN: came out of the shower to discover that the converter on the tumble dryer plug had melted and fused into the plastic of the extension cord, leaving all the electrics black and smoking. (It is obviously past time to replace the UK plugs on our appliances rather than relying on dodgy converter plugs.) That came scarily close to a house fire.
DOWN: belatedly realised that I had picked up a melted extension cord without switching it off at the power point first. What kind of moron am I?
UP: found our first ever eggs in the henhouse, one small egg and one large egg that is surely a double-yolker.
UP: Skry arrived home at a respectable hour from a work-related evening do. I always worry about him when he cycles home after dark, because drivers here are so selfish when it comes to cyclists, so it's always a relief when he eventually turns up.
DOWN: Although Skry had arrived home, he was in shock and had a broken arm. Not the safe arrival I had expected when I heard his key in the lock.
What a day!