Saturday, December 22, 2007

Back to Christchurch

Today we headed back to Christchurch. We're spending the next week or so here, over the Christmas period, and will resume travelling sometime in the new year. I'll update when I can, but it's actually harder to get internet access now that we're not on a campsite. There is no available wireless network at Phil and Lou's place. But rest assured that we will be having a fun and relaxing time, and the weather is almost certain to be better than it is in Ireland at the moment :P

And just in case I'm not online again for a few days - Happy Christmas, everyone!!


Unknown said...

Hi Jenny - sorry I haven't been in touch till now, I have been INSANELY busy with my new job...glad to hear you're having such a good time. Seen any orcs yet? :p

Anonymous said...

Happy Christmas, Irish time!
