We were also very impressed with the salesman. He was pretty chuffed to have made a sale - he told us afterwards that he was going through a dry patch and hadn't sold anything for three weeks - but he was very good to us. We had to go and get money after we agreed to buy the car, and headed off on foot, and he chased after us and offered to loan us his own little car until we had gathered up enough cash to pay for the new one. He also chased after us once the deal had been done, to return an extra $10 that we had paid by mistake. We would never have noticed, so that was pretty cool.
Getting enough money to pay for the car was a bit of a trial. Without any money in our NZ bank account, we have to withdraw money from the ATM every day, and the maximum for any one 24 hour period is $700. Luckily Skry and I both have cards for our joint account, and he was able to withdraw money from his personal account too, so it only took us two days to gather up all the cash for the car. The salesman was a bit taken aback to be presented with a huge pile of twenties, I think! But he got it all counted up in the end and the car was ours. It only took me about 30 seconds to have another driver beeping their horn at me, because just after pulling out of the garage I forgot that I was driving an automatic and attempted to change gear, resulting in the car stopping dead in the middle of the road (I mistook the brake for a non-existent clutch), but luckily no harm was done and I learned a valuable lesson, which was to keep my left leg tucked back under the seat from now on!
Oh, and yes, that is rain on the car. It wasn't raining today, but it was raining tomorrow when I wrote this blog entry, and also the day after tomorrow when I posted it. Today was actually really hot and sticky.
Love the car Jen!
All this reminds me of when we were starting out in Beverly!
Weather here is awful :-(
No sunburns or tans here! More like frost bite :-)
A tip for getting money.. go into a bank and ask for an international bank transfer. I did that when getting the funds for my camper van and it took 25 mins to get the 3k I needed. It would have been quicker but I had to go back to get my passport for ID.
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