Sunday, April 13, 2008

The flatness of Christchurch

As a (short-distance) cyclist, I really appreciate how flat most of Christchurch is. It's no wonder that there are so many bike commuters here - getting to work in the morning is almost effortless, unless the wind's blowing in your face, because most of the roads are almost completely level. Yesterday Skry and I went to a barbecue/party that was 7km from our house, and we thought nothing of taking the bikes there and back rather than getting a bus or taxi. I know 7km isn't very far in the bigger scheme of things, and somebody who cycles a lot would barely register it as a blip, but I have never cycled to a party before. My beloved Princess is a joy to ride, but she weighs so much that going up even the slightest incline leaves me a red-faced sweating mess, which isn't generally a good party look :)

Here's a contour map of Christchurch, courtesy of Google Maps. The contour lines are drawn every 33 feet.
So long as I stay away from the hills, cycling should be my preferred method of transport!

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