Monday, April 07, 2008

DVDs on the cheap

While we lived in Northern Ireland, I made many purchases from Amazon, but I rarely bought DVDs. I had plenty to watch on television without building up a personal library. But since we have moved to New Zealand, we've come to the realisation that television here is not always very entertaining, and both Skry and I have been buying DVDs instead. This can be an expensive habit, as they aren't particularly cheap here.

A bit of investigation a few weeks ago led to the revelation that the Amazon UK site will ship DVDs to New Zealand. Because the destination is not in the EU, they take off VAT from the purchase price - an instant 17.5% discount. Shipping is very reasonable. And the New Zealand government doesn't add any GST or duty charges at this end unless the total value of the order is above $400, because it's just not worth their while. Result? Cheap films!!

Today I received an order which I placed with Amazon on March 29th, for four boxed sets and two single discs. The whole lot, including shipping, cost me a mere £52.36. That is less than I would have paid in Ireland, and it has come to me from the far side of the planet. It's madness, but madness that is working in my favour!

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