Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Adventures on TradeMe

Over the last week or two I have been gradually building up my presence on TradeMe, which is the New Zealand equivalent of eBay. Only people in NZ and Australia are able to buy and sell there, but it is extremely popular, to the point where eBay wasn't able to get a foothold in the market here at all.

I've been trying to come up with things I can make which do not require vast amounts of material, and which are easy to ship. Jewellery would have been the obvious thing to start with, but the beaded jewellery market seems to be saturated here, so I thought I would carve me another niche. Baby gear with skulls on it seems to be an untapped market, and I truly believe there are customers out there who are crying out for such things. I can make bibs and burp clothes without using a huge amount of cloth, and I'm also making little gift tags which hopefully people will buy along with their bib orders.

Keep your fingers crossed for me that I get enough sales to at least pay for the cost of materials! It'll never be a big money spinner for me, but I'd like my hobbies to start paying for themselves for once.


Anonymous said...

Those are GORGEOUS!!! You are so talented!

Skry said...

"Baby gear with skulls on it seems to be an untapped market"

That one will go down on your grave :D

Anonymous said...

I see you did a onesie- as a mother, I would LOVE to have been able to buy onesies in colours other than white and pale blue. I am assuming you're not making the actual vest bit yourself but buying plain white and sewing on your design- would you consider dyeing them and then designing? I bet you could make a killing that way, especially in warm weather. It's hard to leave a vest off a small baby and just put them in a t-shirt because the t-shirt rises up over their wee fat tums. If NZ is anything like the UK, it's really hard to get cool onesies. I was actually coming here this morning to suggest it! :-) Looks like everything is selling really well in any case- I love it all!

Jenny said...

That is a great suggestion, Suzy! I just bought a pack of three so I could make a matching set for somebody else, so I'm attempting to flog the other two. Maybe I will get some black dye, because that would be sure to appeal to the skull-print market :)

You do get some black baby gear here, but that is because of the All Blacks. I haven't seen any other sort.

Great suggestion anyway, and I will definitely give it some thought if I can find a cheap source of ready-made clothing.

Anonymous said...

Well you know my feelings on non-normal coloured baby clothes! These look great so far and believe me there'll be a market for them.... If the postage wouldn't be too bad I'd buy a few things for her ladyship

Go Miss Multi-skiller!

Lucy Jones said...

Wow! The baby gear is really something, best of luck with it x Lucy

Anonymous said...

what on earth is a 'burp cloth'??


Jenny said...

You know how babies burp and spit up and spew milky vomit at the slightest opportunity? A burp cloth is what you lay over your shoulder before picking one up, so the aforementioned spew doesn't go all over your clothes :)