Thursday, March 06, 2008

We got our stuff back!

I am happy to report that Pickford's successfully delivered the boxes from our shipping container to our new place, and we now have most of them unpacked and the place is starting to feel like home. It's so great to have cooking equipment again - I am so sick of eating junk food and takeaways! Never thought I'd say this, but I really enjoyed making my own dinner from scratch last night.

It hasn't all been good - some of our things got broken en route. Three bookcases have the back panel smashed up, my favourite lamp had all but one of its six bulbs broken, some picture glass and CD cases have been broken, and my brand-new woollen winter coat was screwed up into a ball and used as packing for a wine rack. Oh, and an unframed poster-sized photo enlargement was folded in half and used to pad my sewing machine. The packers were even more incompetent than I had realised. We'll be putting in a formal complaint and request for compensation once we've opened all the boxes and figured out just how much was broken or damaged.

While I was at work today, Skry let the cable guy into the house, and we now have cable television, a landline (but no handset yet so we can't take calls), and internet access. I am so happy to have the net at home again!


Anonymous said...

OMG- I am so sorry that Pickfords are so useless! At least you have your stuff back- I'm sure your house will feel much more "yours" once you get unpacked!
How is the job? How is K's job hunt going- I thought I heard a rumour that he'd got something but I might have dreamt it...
Love to you both!

Jenny said...

K will shortly be starting work in the same place that I'm in! Different department though, and his job is only temporary at the moment.

And yes, the house does feel much more like home now that our own stuff is in it. It has been like Christmas, unwrapping all these treasures that we haven't seen for months :)

Hope all is well with you and your boys, Suzy!