Tuesday, March 18, 2008

St. Patrick's Day, Kiwi style

So yesterday was St.Patrick's Day, our first in New Zealand. I have to say it wasn't wildly different from being at home - I spent all day at work before going to stand in an overcrowded bar full of people in green shirts and leprechaun hats. However, these things are sent to try us, etc., and there wasn't any chance I'd be let away with avoiding it all!

Anyway, it wasn't all bad. The sun was shining, everybody was in good form, and I got to laugh at Skry in a green plastic bowler hat. After an hour or so standing in Bailies getting pushed and shoved by everyone going past, we upped sticks and headed to Yellow Cross along with another Irish woman that Skry knows from work, and her husband. We were able to get a table that wasn't too close to the fiddle-de-dee band playing outside, and everyone enjoyed a relaxing natter (and some spicy potato wedges, in Lou and Phil's case), so the evening ended a lot more comfortably than it started.

It wasn't too long before it was time for me to head home to bed (I'm not a late night person any more! not on a school night, anyway), although Skry stayed out with his cousins until six o'clock this morning. He is currently fast asleep in front of the Simpsons - the poor wee lamb is just worn out :)


Futuristics said...

NICE Blog :)

Anonymous said...

LMAO at K asleep on the chair...will he be Peter Pan forever, I couldn't hack the pace now that I am officially old...

Glad you had a good day!

Skry said...

Those temporary tattoo's are deadly to get off! Still, it was a worth-while adventure. I'm just glad St pat's only comes round once a year :D