Saturday, March 29, 2008

NZ drink driving ads

Although the variety and quality of New Zealand television programming often leaves a lot to be desired, I have to say that their TV ads are absolutely top notch. These ads are often way funnier than those in the UK, or way quirkier, and even the budget homemade-looking ones are so bad that they're often fantastic.

We've noticed a big difference in the ads telling people not to drink and drive. In the UK, these are very graphic, and really point out how an accident can kill and maim people. Some of them that I've seen in the past have been almost too graphic to watch, but from what I've heard they do seem to be very effective.

Here, the ads don't focus on the accidents so much as what sort of person you are if you drink and drive. Land Transport NZ has actually launched campaigns telling people, "If you drink and drive, you're a bloody idiot", but "If you stop a drink driver, you’re a bloody legend". (Sorry about the quality of the second YouTube video link there - I can't find a better version.)

On a lighter note, this ad for Trumpet (aka Cornetto) is very funny and doesn't involve anyone being maimed, although you may want to avert your eyes like the old lady.


Anonymous said...

Trumpet ad is funny. Other ones are OK, I liked the second one.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, they're good ads. And do especially like the togs undies ad!