I now proudly introduce Cluck Norris, Sean Henn, and Beulah. I will say up front that I named one of them, and Skry named the other two. You will just have to guess which ones!
The chicken coop is still a work in progress. Things haven't gone smoothly, and I know it's not the most professional looking building, but it'll do for our three girls until we have the will and desire to provide them with something that'll last for years. This should certainly last through a few seasons anyway before it falls apart, and since it's our first building I think we did quite well, considering.
Skry is still out there building the run. I caught him imitating one of the chickens - or maybe it was she who was imitating him. It's hard to tell!
They don't seem at all fazed by the noise of drilling and hammering, and are quite happy pottering about scratching for tasty morsels.
They're still only babies really, and won't start laying until around December. But you can be sure I will keep you posted as soon as our first egg arrives!
Great names- sorry for laughing but I feel fairly confident that I can tell who named which ones! :D I hope they'll give you loads of eggs!
Sean Henn is a great name. I want a Sean Henn hen!
Fantastic names! Cluck Norris and Sean Henn... oh my.
Sean Henn had a runin with a cat th every next day. I managed to chase the cat away but there were feathers everywhere.
From now on I think we should name all the hens after action/kung fu movie people to make sure they won't be challenged. The cat didn't even try to go for Cluck Norris!
I hear that it took 4 hens 6 months to lay Cluck Norris, and he immediately round-house kicked his way out of the egg...
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