Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Our passports are in the post

So, still not much happening on the house doing-up front (Skry is taking care of all that), but we did get our passports in the post to London this morning. They have to be sent away - with a hefty fee - to have the actual visa stickers put into them. This should only take a week or two and we'll have them back again and be able to travel whenever we want.

I blogged on here a while ago about Photoshopping my passport photo rather than going to a photo booth to have them taken. I didn't make myself look different, just fixed a few minor flaws, but I was wondering if the end result would be satisfactory. Turns out that it was, which is good. I'll definitely do that again whenever I need my next replacement!

1 comment:

Skry said...

Yeah the Photoshopping idea for passports was a real success. It's good to be able to have a picture of yourself just the way you want to be, unlike the usual "Snap" and you're stuck with whatever the photographer has shot.