Tuesday, October 09, 2007

It's definitely Autumn now.

The weather has really taken a turn for the colder recently, although the sun shines a lot as well. All the leaves are coming off the trees, and the nights are drawing in fast. This is quite a nuisance for me, because my eyes still haven't recovered completely from the laser surgery I had last spring. This is perfectly normal, and I was told it could take a year for them to settle down completely, but it means that it's not safe for me to drive at night because of the starbursts I see around light sources.

Just as an example, this is what most people would be able to see at night:

And this is closer to what I see:

That is just with one car in front of me. Imagine what it's like with many cars, including ones coming towards me with their headlights on, streetlights, shop signs, etc. I just can't see enough of what is behind the starbursts to be able to drive at night.

Luckily I don't have very much reason to drive at night, as we have a good public transport network for getting into town to socialise, but it is a nuisance if we need to go somewhere off the bus route, like up to Skry's parents' house. I can't plan to drive anywhere in the late afternoon because it might be dark by the time I was ready to go home and then I'd be stuck.

I wonder what time it gets dark at in New Zealand during the winter. Or during the summer, for that matter. One more thing we will have to find out...


Skry said...

I always wondered what you meant by "star bursts", but at least now I have a clearer image. Well not a clear image, but the same blurry image you have!

Yeah it'll be a hassle driving around in the evenings until you get better, buut hopefully by winter time in New Zealand I'll have my license and everything will be fine.

Here's hoping!

Jenny said...

Hopefully by then my eyesight will be back to normal too! As normal as it can get with my mega huge pupils, anyway :)

Anonymous said...

You still here !!!

I read your comments on buses & off the route thinking you were talking about NZ.
No doubt it is all in hand ;-)

Jenny said...

Yes Carl, we're still here! Things took a bit longer than we expected, getting the house done up and all that. We're nearly ready to put it on the market and get out of here, anyway. Provisional leaving date is November 30th, which isn't far away at all!