Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year!

We are well into January 1 2009 here now, so happy new year everybody!

I've been thinking about New Year resolutions. Here are mine:
- take my lunch to work every day that I don't have a pre-arranged lunch date
- complete the Couch to 5k program

I've done the Couch to 5k program a couple of times before so I know it's doable, but I've become very lazy since we moved to New Zealand so I'll be starting from scratch with that one. Having said that, if I could motivate myself to get out running in Ireland where it was frequently cold and wet, it should be a breeze to get myself out here in the sunshine!

The lunch resolution is the continuation of something that I began a few months ago and should save me money and ensure I eat a more varied diet. Left to my own devices in the shops at lunchtime, I'd eat an egg and onion sandwich every day. Hopefully I'll do better than that with a bit of advance preparation :)

These resolutions don't come with photos, but I like to show you something every time I post, so I'll go and pick something random from my hard drive now.

It is my cat Freyja that lived with us in Belfast. She went to another home before we emigrated, and I really miss her (and her sister Flora), but we had some good times and she made me laugh a lot with her catlike silliness.

1 comment:

Skry said...

"Box cat is watching you photograph..."

Love the "Fragile - this way up" signs :D