Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Jetboat crash anniversary

It was one year ago today that we were in the jetboat crash in Hanmer Springs. Although the year has sped by for us, and Skry has healed well from his injuries, not everybody was so lucky. Lesley, the Australian woman who was sitting in front of us, is still off work and still very much incapacitated by her spinal injuries. Skry got an email today from her and her partner (who was also injured, although not seriously), saying that she plucked up the courage to go on a small boating cruise on a canal. I think that was a big milestone for her. She is still trying to get compensation for the serious injuries that she suffered, which is no easy task, but since Maritime NZ found the driver at fault I think she is justified in trying to get something back. Her life has effectively been ruined by that accident.

I don't know how any of the other passengers fared after that day, one year ago. We aren't in touch with any of the others. But thank God things weren't worse for me or for Skry.

Funnily enough, Skry and the others are all heading to Hanmer for the day tomorrow. Nobody had remembered that it was the anniversary until we got that email from Lesley today. I hope they don't go on any jet boats!

1 comment:

Skry said...

Not only did we head to Hanmer, but we ended up going on a few action/adventure, extreme sporting events held by the same company that we had our accident in!