Just in case you're wondering, no I haven't fallen off the face of the planet. I'm just very busy preparing some bits and pieces to sell at a craft stall at the end of November. I'll update you all on that in due course...
Here is what I haven't blogged about over the past week or so:
- Skry and I were one of only a handful of people in our office who came in to work in Hallowe'en costumes on Friday. Skry won a prize for his Black Knight outfit (a voucher for a local cafe).
- we went to a table quiz in our office bar and came third. I take full credit for that as I accidentally picked correct answers out of thin air for two really obscure questions.
- we went to my cousin-in-law's father-in-law's 70th birthday party, had a great time, and I had to be practically hauled away from the karaoke machine.
- the chickens continue to thrive.
- my bedding plants continue to die (and there is a strong corelation between this and the previous point).
- my brother Stephen and his girlfriend (hi Laura!) popped by for a couple of days in Christchurch before they continued on their travels around the South Island.
- I still don't know if I'm going to vote in Saturday's general election, let alone who I might vote for if I do.
Now I'm off to watch an episode of House. The fun never stops around here!