Thursday, August 28, 2008

The carpets are in!

It is a beautiful summery day today, and I have taken the day off work - what perfect timing. This morning I went to a nearby garden centre and picked up some bedding plants to go beside the front door, and also a few essentials for growing seeds. We have a vast amount of seeds ready to be planted, as soon as we figure out how and where!

On my way back from the garden centre I stopped by the house, and the carpets were already done! It looks great and is just what we wanted - an inoffensive neutral.
By the way, do you like how the curtains appear to be expecting a flood? All the curtains in this room (three windows plus the sliding doors) were absolutely disgusting when we moved in, covered in dust and grease, and were also in quite poor condition with the plastic backing flaking and peeling. Obviously we don't plan to keep them for the long term, and we also didn't want to spend any money on cleaning them, so I chucked them in the washing machine. They all shrank by several inches. Oops.

Also, our garden now has little blue flowers growing in it, which is a change from two days ago. I'm pretty sure they're weeds, as there are some blooming in the lawn as well, but they add a welcome splash of colour, and a nice contrast to the yellowy bush thing (sorry, no idea what to call it) behind them.



Anonymous said...


Your new house looks great Jenny. Good luck with the renovations.


Skry said...

Now all we need to do is finish the painting and the house is prtty much sorted. Well, we have a few more things we want and need done around the place, but it's all stuff we'll have to get workmen to do so we can rest easy once the painting is complete.

Actually that just finishes the house - the garden is another thing altogether!

It never ends...

Jenny said...

My friend Fiona tells me that the blue flower is speedwell - which of course, now that I know what it is, I remember.

It is a weed/wild flower rather than a chosen one, but it's still pretty and I'm glad it's there :)

Anonymous said...

Looking good!! I didn't even notice the curtains! :-D

When do you think you can move in? Pretty soon by the sounds of it.

Jenny said...

Since our lease on the rental house expires on Monday, I hope that we are in before then :) We have a rental truck and two burly men booked for first thing tomorrow morning to shift the big furniture. Our sofa weighs a ton and barely fits through the stairwell here. The guys who brought it in for us nearly broke their fingers on the banister, and they did actually break the banister. Oops.