Saturday, June 30, 2007

My work leaving do - and Flora moves house

I had my work leaving do in Katy Daly's last night. It was fantastic, loads of people came out and there was much hugging and cheek-kissing and promises of email addresses being exchanged. I tottered home at about midnight but the rest of them headed next door to the Limelight for music and dancing. I bet there are a few sore heads this morning!

Photos from the evening are here - they are mostly just me hugging people, so maybe not the most exciting, but they're still nice to have.

There are also photos here of my last ever night out with my Business Market team (best team ever!) on Thursday, when we went to Ryan's for dinner and then Lavery's for pool.

I also said a tearful goodbye to Flora this morning. She has gone to live with Mark and Helen in Banbridge. I felt awful putting her into the cat carrier when she was mewing and looking pitifully out through the bars, but I'm sure she will settle into her new home without too much trauma. I hope so, anyway!

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