Wednesday, April 08, 2009

The Nor'west arch

The Nor'west Arch is a a really dramatic cloud formation in the sky towards the Southern Alps, caused by a particular weather pattern. The clouds make a perfect, even arch in an otherwise clear blue sky. (While I was on the roof of our office building on Monday I had a perfect view of it, and was wishing I'd brought my camera.) It also brings a strange warm wind called the Nor'wester which can mess with people's brains and make them feel angry or depressed or give them migraines.

By the time I was walking home from work that afternoon I couldn't see the dramatic arch any more, but I did see some really unusual clouds and was able to photograph them on my phone. They looked like there was a big dent on the underneath. And it certainly was big - this plane looks quite dwarfed by it.

True to its nature, the Nor'wester also trailed some cold wet weather behind it. By Tuesday night it was pouring rain, and it has been raining for most of today (Wednesday). I hope this weather pattern blows away again before the Easter weekend!


Anonymous said...

So cool! I hope the weather isn't affecting you guys too much!

Jenny said...

It is still cold and raining today! That is two days in a row, which is very unusual for here. I hope it's not an indication of things to come this winter... We are getting a heater and some insulation for the house, so at least we'll be able to warm it a bit, but that hasn't happened yet and today I am typing with numb fingers. Brrrr.