Sunday, June 29, 2008

Pirate Party at Pomeroy's

Last night we went to a pirate party at Pomeroy's bar. It was a great night - everybody put in a great effort, and the place was heaving with people in various costumes. It was obvious that some had gone to costume hire shops and got the full rig-out, but we took the DIY route and made our own. I wore the corset that was part of my wedding outfit, and the rest was sewn together from sheets bought in the Salvation Army shop! I think the whole thing cost me about $4. Skry, Phil, and Lou also mixed charity shop finds with things that they already owned, and the $2 Shop provided plenty of accessories in the form of plastic swords and inflatable parrots. (Don and Liz had only arrived back in Christchurch a couple of hours earlier, which is why they weren't in costume, but at least they could still play with the weaponry.)


Anonymous said...

Love the last pic, you guys look so happy! I have to say K looks like he was born to be a pirate- very Johnny Depp (though he will kill me for saying so, but hey, millions of women can't be wrong, ha ha!!) Glad you had fun!

Mr Fahrenheit said...

Wow. Don looks like the most awesome pirate in the whole wide world. Kudos to him. HAHAHAHA