Thursday, January 17, 2008

A minor update

Sorry for the lack of updates - I have written several, but I keep forgetting to copy them across to my USB drive and upload them from the internet cafe. Anyway, not a whole lot has happened. We got bikes, I started looking for work (no interviews yet), and Skry is still having physio for his shoulder. We hope to resume travelling this weekend, if the exemption has been granted by then so I can supervise Skry when he drives. Without an exemption, he'll need to find somebody who has held a New Zealand licence for at least two years, which is going to be tricky. And I'd like to be able to share the driving on this leg of the trip!


Anonymous said...

I hope you can get the exemption sorted out quickly. I hope Skry's shoulder isn't too sore, but I guess if he's talking about driving, it can't be too bad! :-)
Good luck with the job hunt! xx

Phil said...

He's driving us all mad!
