Wednesday, August 02, 2006

A Blase Family Reaction

I was on the phone to my mum last night, and brought up the subject of me moving away from Belfast. I was expecting some kind of reaction, but all I got was, "Oh, we'll miss having somewhere to stay when we're up north"!

It would be pretty cool if that was how my whole family reacted. I know they'd miss me, and I'd miss them too of course, but it would be good to not have guilt to add to every other emotion that I'll be feeling when I leave Ireland.

Of course, there's also the chance that my mum is thinking, "I'll believe it when I see it". Emigrating to the far side of the world is probably something that a lot of people talk about but never do. I didn't tell her that I'd already started the process to obtain a visa, or that Skry will be coming too, as this is something that I'm trying to keep quiet both with family and with work. It will take months more to even get the documentation together, never mind get the actual visa in our passports, so that bit of news will keep.

It was quite funny tonight, though. My sister texted me to say that she'd heard I might be moving to NZ, and could she come and visit? She said we might see more of each other if I'm on the far side of the world, which is probably true!

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